The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

POST, FEB. 13, PAGE 2. DESTROYS HISTORIC HOME IN BROMLEY, KY. Dwelling Was Formerly a Large Houseboat. Blaze Starts From a Defective Flue.

Fire, caused by a defective flue, late yesterday afternoon, destroyed the home of Joseph Stolzer, Bromley, probably the most historic house in Kenton-co. The flames were noticed bursting from the roof of the home and an alarm was sent in for the Volunteer Fire Department. All the household effects were destroyed, and the loss is estimated to be several hundred dollars. The volunteer department did good work in saving the surrounding buildings, but were unable to extinguish the blaze. The Stolzer home was formerly a house boat, the owner and his wife traveling from Pittsburg during the flood of the Ohio River in 1884.

The boat was landed near Bromley and later remodeled into a modern dwelling. It contained several rooms and had all the comforts of many other homes. It was partially under water during the recent floods. ISN'T SMILEY WALKER THE BE RELIGIOUS BOY? FRANKFORT, Feb. (Spl.) -For the first time the joint.

assembly of the Legislature was opened with prayer today. Senator Ed Walker, of Covington, said that. as the Assembly so far had failed to elect any one, that God be called on through prayer, and moved that Rev. J. N.

Brown, of Covington, be invited to pray. The motion was adopted unanimously. PERSONAL DAMAGE SUIT IN HARBESON DIVISION John Williams Alleges He Was Injured by Bale of Cotton. The case of John Williams against the Reliance and Works for damages resulting from personal injuries went to trial at noon today in Judge Harbeson's division of Kenton Circuit Court. Williams alleges that he was working for the defendant company when he was injured by a bale of cotton falling on his foot.

He asks for $1999. The defendants allege that the Reliance Textile and Dye formerly a Kentucky corporation, was sold several months ago, and that they are not responsible for the accident. SUES CAR COMPANY Rogers Claims He Was Badly Hurt. In Judge Shaw's division of the Kenton Circuit Court this morning the case of Rogers against the South Covington Cincinnati Street Railway was taken up. Rogers alleges be was injured while at work for defendant company.

He stated he was employed in fixing iron bolts, with a long-handled wrench, when instrument broke, throwing him to the ground and seriously wrenching his back. The case will probably go to the jury by this evening. MATCH POOL GAME FOR A BET OF $25 There will be a match game of pool tonight between the Dotchengall five and the Cody five for $25 a side. These teams are about evenly matched and a close contest is expected. The game will be played at Cody's cafe on near Fifth.

KENTON REALTY DEALS Lena and William Surnam to Abigail and Wm. A. Knipper, 25 by 170 120 feet. on the west side of feet north of Covington; $1. Roberta Ann Summey to Wm.

T. and E. D. Brown. 25 by 135 feet on Covington: $1.

Mary McDermott and others to Joseph Lux, 25 by 85 feet on Covington; $1. George and Elizabeth Johnson to Henry Seever. Lot 388 and 30 feet off the rear of Lots 377 and 380. plat of James Taylor's estate, Latonia: $380. Charm the Fat Away.

To reduce by means of exercise or dieting is nothing but torture to the flesh and mortification to the spirit. It is so much simpler "charm" it away. Of course, I don't mean by "spells" or "incantations," but through the occasional use of this home receipt, ounce Marmola, ounce Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic and ounces Syrup Simplex. which any one can obtain at drug store for a small sum and mix at home. Take a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime.

It literally charms the fat away. Takes it off just where you need it off and does it quickly but harmlessly. Many persons lose as much as a pound a day. Isn't that "charming" off the fateat what you please and still lose a or effort? pound a day--without strain, injury There is only one way that VOu can have beautiful soft skin and that is by using Arnold Velvet Cream. 11.

cures Chapped, Hands. Lips and Roughened HESS' CUT-RATE DRUG STORE, Pike and Washington Sis. "POOR CHARLEY" WAS, A VERY EASY VICTIM The "Just Rite Club" Gave Him a Big Celebration in Honor of His Marriage. Unique beyond all comparison was the reception tendered Charles Hickey, newly married, by the "Just Rite Club," of Covington, last night. Clad in long, flowing robes of yellow and armed with all manner of devices for the production of noise, the 24 members of the club met at 10 and, headed by a "brass" band, marched through the main streets of the and finally landed at the home the carrarand groom, city, Nineteenth and Along their path red light was freely distributed, and several members of the crowd carried ners bearing words similar to the following: -0 Are Going To Poor Charley." The first that was known of the plan to give Hickey a "time" was noticed yesterday, when an ad appeared in The Post, requesting all members of the "Just Rite" Club to appear at their meeting place to take part in the parade.

The ad. read as follows: President; Charles Boro, Secretary, and William Hohnhorst, Treasurer. Several hundred people gathered at Pike st. and Madison-av. to witness the parade.

DIPLOMAT MINSTRELS Great Interest Being Taken in Their Show. The Diplomat Club, whose membership comprises many of the best known of Covington's young men, has perfected all arrangements for its minstrel show. to be given at the Covington Library Auditorium on Feb. 28. This entertainment, it is said.

will be out of the ordinary, in that it will embrace original features, new to local play-goers. One of these departures is "The Beauty a novelty never before seen here. Exactly who or what "The Beauty Chorus" is is known only to the participants, and, until seen, must be taken for only what the name implies. Messrs. Elmer Becker, Nock and Edward Hart are ists and Frank Piket, John Bailey.

Wm. Sweeney, Geo. Kelley, Thos. Sullivan and Frank Pund are on the ends. Charles Kirby will act as interlocutor.

Messrs. Joseph Murray, Henry Abele and Ernest Collopy have the affair in charge. WATCH Just Rite Club Getting Ready to March to Nineteenth and Garrard Tonight. POOR CHARLEY. The following night at 7:30 for tary; Creatore, sors, Boots, Dutch Packey and Night 10 moves Scott, south to members are requested to be on hand tothe parade: Duggie, President: Boo, Secrebandmaster, Fire Crackers, Fire Fighters, ScisBill, Pork Chops, Slicker, Nibsey, Oozy, Owl.

Parade forms at headquarters, No. to south to Eighteenth, east to Nineteenth, east to POOR CHARLEY'S. Among those on the program for the evening were George Shoete, who sang several songs; the "Just Rite" Quartet, and Amandeo Pighine, an Italian, who rendered several selections on a concertina. The "Just Rite" Band was led by L. Creatore Young.

The officers of the club who had charge of the celebration were Fred Degginger, PET BULLDOG BLOCKS WORK OF BROMLEY FIREMAN When the cry of fire was raised yesterday in Bromley, James Gardner and Walter Klappert made a bolt for the place where the fire-fighting apparatus is kept. Gardner was in the lead, with Klappert a close second. Then Klappert ceased to run. A solid weight hit him in the back with great impact, caused him to stumble and fall flat to the ground. The weight remained.

Then Klappert thought he was stopped in about 15 places at once. He rolled over and the mystery was explained. Gardner's pet bulldog had seen the two men running and came to the conclusion that Klappert was, pursuing his master. Mr. Bulldog came valiantly to the rescue.

That's why Klappert was not a fire hero. FILES PETITION TO SETTLE ESTATE Win. C. Hilshorst filed a petition in the Kenton Circuit Court yesterday for a settlement of the estate of his mother, Mary Hilshorst, naming Elizabeth and H. H.

Hilshorst. Lena and Joseph Conley Yates as defendants. The plaintiff says his mother, at the time of her death, owned acres of land near Kenton, worth $3500, and that and H. H. and Elizabeth Hilshorst were the only children and heirs.

He says that H. H. Hilshorst raised four crops on the farm worth that the Conleys claim some est in the land by virtue of a mortgage, and that Allison Yates an unpaid claim for funeral expenses. The plaintiff prays for a judgment and order of sale of his mother's estate and for judgment against H. H.

Hilshorst for $333.33, one-third of the value of the four crops raised on the farm. COVINGTON BRIEFS. W. E. Tyler qualified yesterday as guardian of Vandora Martin.

W. S. Giltner took out a building permit yesterday for a frame stable with corrugated iron sides and roof at Garrard-av. and to cost $100. There will be a meeting of the South End Republican Club this evening in its rooms at 20-22 Madison-av.

Important business will come before the club. Henry (Pat) Krusselman. of Fifth and who has been seriously ili, was out again today. The docket was called by Judge "Stepliens this morning in the Kenton Quarterly Court. BREACH OF PEACE CHARGE IS MADE Mrs.

John Northeutt, 192 West Covington, swore out a warrant yesterday for the of Mrs. Fannie Shires, who lives in the same house. She charges her with breach of the peace. The case was set for trial Covington Police Court this morning, but Mrs. Shires asked al continuance until Saturday.

BROTHERS. IN JAIL, BROUGHT FACE TO FACE Meet for the First Time in More Than a Year in Covington Bastile. Two brothers who had not seen each other for more than a year met in the Covington Jail Thursday morning. They are Wiliam Patton, 26, and James Patton, alias Thomas, 28. When brought face to face, liam extended his hand and said, 'How are you, Jim? I am sorry to see you here." Jim replied, "First rate, Bill; but I did not expect to see you here." They were visibly affected, but no further words passed between them, and they were led back to their cells.

William Patton was arrested for loitering several days ago in the C. 0. Railroad yards, and was fined $15 and costs in Police Court Wednesday. Tuesday afternoon Q. C.

Railroad detectives, arrested "Tames Thomas" Ludlow yards, and he was taken to Covington Police Headquarters. He was charged with breaking into the Southern Depot at Ludlow. Chief Schuler noticed a close resemblance between "Thomas" and William Patton, who was then in jail awaiting trial. He asked "Thomas" if his name was not Patton, and if he did not have a brother named William Patton. "Thomas," however, insisted he gave his right name, and denied he had any such brother as William Patton.

Thursday morning, however, Chief Schuler and County ive Salters went to the jail and brought the two prisoners face to face. They then admitted they were brothers and that their right name was Patton. William Patton admits serving a term in Huntington, W. his home. The police suspect James Patton of being wanted in Bluefield, W.

on a serious charge. James Patton was given a hearing in County Court this morning on the charge of housebreaking, and the case was continued. JURY BRINGS IN $8000 VERDICT IN LONG CASE Alleged to Have Been Killed Through Neglect of L. N. In the personal injury damage suit of Edward J.

Long's administrator against the Louisville Nashville Railroad the jury in Judge Shaw's division of the Kenton Circuit Court yesterday returned a verdict for the plaintiff for $8000. Long was a brakeman, and while his train was at Cynthiana, he got under the car for some purpose and was run over and killed. The jury was out only a short time. DETER'S FIVE DEFEAT CRACK DETROIT TEAM Match Game Was Held in Covington Yesterday. Deter's Five defeated the Detroit Five yesterday afternoon at Deter's alleys, in Covington, by the following score: DETROIT FIVE Myers 211 169 225 Beers 154 140 165 Schmidt 187 157 167 Fredrich 161 173 162 Whitmarsh 190 174 195 Totals 903 813 DETER'S FIVE Applegate 210 161 150 Kobald 201 180 195 Morford 190 204 162 Berling 179 184 213 Deters 236 183 189 Totals ..1,016 912 PROPERTY GOES TO WIFE If She Marries, the Farm Will Go to Daughters.

In the will of Patrick Feirock, probated this morning in the Kenton-co. Court, be leaves his entire estate, of which is a 114-acre farm. to his wife, Margaret Feirock, with the understanding that she is never to marry again. If she marries, the property will gO to the two daughters, Anna and Ellen. The widow is named executrix without bond.

The will of Rebecca Powers was probated, and she leaves her entire estate to her niece, Anna Benson Adams. She names John Adams as executor. COUPLE ARRESTED Charged With Failing to Send Children to School. Thomas Sharp and wife, living in Austinburg, were arrested this morning on the charge of failing to send their children to school. In the Kenton-co.

Court Judge Stephens gave them a reprimand, warning them that the children must go to school. Sharp promised to send them, stating that he had not been able to buy shoes for the children. WOULDN'T THIS WILT YOUR LINEN COLLAR? "Wilt thou be mine, angelic girl? Quoth the melting Valentine. "I feel 50 warmly toward you, dear, 1 wilt--be always thine." ST. VALENTINE'S DAY IN THE POSTOFFICE Flooded With Love Messages and Pretty Postal Cards.

Puffing and heaving like an overworked truck horse the Covington mail carrier has anything but an easy time on St. Valentine's Day, loaded down with those dainty messages from throbbing hearts and the ugly caricatures that raise the ire of the receiver. More mail probably enters the Covington Postoffice Valentine's Day than at any other time in the FORGER SECURES 52000 THROUGH BAD CHECKS Operates Through the ington Merchants' National Bank. Covington banks are still being annoyed by the operations of 4 check worker in the Southwestern States. The man represents himself to be an agent of the Kentucky Valley a mail-order whisky house of Covington, and cashes the checks in the small towns.

The checks are then sent here for collection, and are returned by the local banks marked as forgeries. All of the checks are for $40 each, and yesterday Harry Percival, Cashier of the Merchants' National Bank. on which the checks are drawn, stated that the forger has easily secured $2000 from his labors. The First National Bank. of Covington, yesterday received one of the checks that had been cashed in one of the towns in Missouri.

The officials wired that the check was bad. The losers in the transactions are those who cash the All of the checks are signed with the name of J. A. Scharf. WOMEN FRIGHTENED BY BEGGAR; GETS 30 DAYS Chief of Police Schuler Makes Arrest Near His Home.

Chief of Police Schuler, of Covington, was entering his home about 6 o'clock last night, when he was informed by neighbors that a man, begging for food, had been frightening the women of the neighborhood. Chief Schuler arrested John Sweeney, West Covington. Judge Read, In Covington Police Court this morning. gentenced Sweeney to 30 days in the Workhouse. DEATHS Bernadina.

Rickelman, 69, died at her home, 134 West yesterday. The funeral will be Monday St. Aloysius. The interment will be in St. Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati.

Hildegard England, 1, daughter of Wm. -England, of 150 died yesterday of pneumonia, The funeral will be Friday from Mother of God Burial at St. John Cemetery. Joseph Ottens, 39, died at his home, 569 after a lingering illness. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from St.

John's Church. Burial at St. John Cemetery. Owen Feeney, 70. died yesterday at his home, 176 West Fifth-st.

He was the father of former Policeman Tom Feeney and Charles Feeney. The funeral will be tomorrow morning from St. Patrick's Church at 8:30. Mrs. Ophelia Caplinger, 79, died of pneumonia at her home, 33 Beech-st.

The remains were shipped today to Henderson, by Donnelly for burial. Lauretta Gripshover, 2-year-old daughter of Ferdinand Gripshover, of Dudley died yesterday. The burial will be tomorrow at Sandfordtown. The funeral will be at 9 o'clock at the Guardian Angel Church at Sandfordtown. Edwin Bradley, 42, 710 Newport, died yesterday.

Funeral services at the residence Saturday at 2 m. Burial at Evergreen. He leaves a widow and two children. DONNELLY UNDERTAKERS. AMBULANCE.

809 Covington. Ky. Phones S. 96 and S. 812-R.


Hess' Drug Store, Pike Washington Sta. Covington. Ky. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE The undersigned, having been qualified as executor of the estate of Eliza O'Hearne, deceased, all persons having a claim against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, properly proven, at the office of said executor, northeast corner Madison-av. and Covington, Ky.


Charles Myrich Discov-1 ers Him in the House This Morning. Report was made to the Covington police at noon today that a negro had entered the home of Charles Myrich, 26 East this morning. Myrich had just left the home. His wife, hearing footsteps, glanced around and saw a negro. The negro, when he saw he was discovered, struck at the woman.

and she struggled with him. In the fight she seems to have gotten the best of the negro. for he started to run from the home. As he ran his hat fell off, and it was brought to Police Headquarters by the woman's brother. The description of the negro was that he is very black and about five fee six inches tall.

Nothing was taken from the home. The police have been unable to find any trace of the man as yet. CHIEF TAKES PRISONER BACK TO HUNTINGTON Williams Wanted in West Virginia on a Charge of Arson. Chief of Police Schuler left Covington at noon today to take Howard Williams to Huntington, W. where he is wanted on a charge of arson.

Williams was arrested in Covington Dec. 31 for loitering. He had in his sion a murderous-looking sandbag and was fined $50 and sentenced to 50 days in jail. There is Only One "Bromo Quinine" That is Laxative Bromo Quinine Used the World Overt to Cure a Cold in One Day, Always remember the full name. box.

25c. Look for this signature on every VALENTINES AND Postal Valentines. Most Complete Line in the City. MENDENHALL, 704 Madison Avenue. year, and the appearance of the ever-ready postal is partly to blame for the overflow.

About a week before the day sacred to the long-departed Saint the messages begin to arrive in the office and it is a week after before they are all disposed of. Employes of the Covington office state that they notice the great change since the advent of the postal, which takes the place of the old-time package of dainty paper, melting love tokens and fluffy lace. The profession of love and affection may easily be sent on a potal as in the old style. At the present time the Covington office is loaded down with postals and valentines, many of which will be thrown away owing to the lack of enough postage or carriers being unable to find the persons to whom they are directed. Many postals with tinsel lettering and pictures will be destroyed, as an ordes has been issued against the variety.

COVINGTON MUSICIAN GETS A VERDICT Sues Wurlitzer of Cincinnati, for Broken Contract. In Judge Shaw's division of Kenton Circuit Court yesterday afternoon a jury brought in a verdict for $105 in the case of Louis Mantel, a Covington musician, against the Wurlitzer Instrument of Cincinnati. Mantel alleged that he had sold the company one of his compositions and that they had failed to turn over $105 to him. The jury was out only a few minutes. USEFUL DENTISTRY.

We make specialty of Plate work where other dentists have failed. Our Plate Specialist has had 11 years' practical experience in one of the largest offices in the United States. Teeth Gas Extracted 25 Cents Administered We make the Best Set of Teeth "Money Can Buy," including Extracting, for $10.00. AMERICAN DENTAL Dr. S.

C. Gates, Manager. MADISON COVINGTON, KY. COVINGTON TOBACCO FACTORY IS SOLD Spilman, Ellis Co. Changes Hands Soon.

Spilman, Ellis Co. have sold their tobacco factory. located between Fourth and Fifth and Scott and Covington, to the Boone Tobacco a Missouri corporation, and the latter will take charge of the plant as soon as the approval is received. RUN WHEN I Absolutely Painless Extraction, I mean every word. My patients will tell you so.

Come to me with the utmost confidence and I will do just as I promise. No pain -no trouble--no bad after effectsand you will always be pleased to recommend this office- and pay me my moderate charges. Painless Extraction Free when other work is ordered. Full Set of .83.00 to $10.00 Crowns and Bridge Work. $3.00 Fillings up Dr.

J. Robson Bowen, Ohio Dental Parlors, 28 Fountain 5q. Hours: 8 a. m. to 9 p.

Sundays, 9 to 4. OUT OF CITY: DELAY TRIAL Geijsbeck, However, Says He Will Soon Be Back Answer Charge. The trial of Geijsbeek Son, dairymen, accused of violating the city ordinance which provides that milk dealers must take out a was postponed in Covington Police Court this morning. Geijsbeek notified the ties yesterday, before the warrant was issued for his arrest, that he expected the warrant, but was compelled to be out of the city for several days. He stated, however, he would return to Covington as soon as possible and appear in court to answer the charge.

The permit which Geiisbeek failed to take out costs nothing, but provides that dairymen must permit the Health Officer to inspect the applicant's dairy. The Health Officer charges that, Geisbeek Son have not taken out a permit. This is the first arrest in the pure milk crusade, which is to be conducted Covington by Health Officer Brinker. COURT OF APPEALS AFFIRMS M'DONALD CASE Was Tried in Judge Shaw's Division Several Months Ago. The Court of Appeals at Frankfort.

yesterday affirmed the decision of McDonald against the Covington Cincinnati Elevated Railway, Transfer and Bridge Co. The case was tried in Judge Shaw's division of the Kenton Circuit Court several months ago and a verdict returned for the plaintiff. The case of the L. N. Railroad against Roth was not taken up, a brief being filed.

A motion was made for oral argument in the case of Cain against Rich and others. The opinion was extended in the case of Anderson against the Republic Iron and Steel Co. SOCIETY NEWS AFFAIR FOR BRIDE In honor of Miss Louise Simrall, the bride-elect of Paul Stevens, a card party was given Wednesday by Miss Emily Woodall at her home on Greenup-st. Prizes were awarded to Misses Emma Galatti, Jane Martin and Louise Simrall. MRS.

CRAIG ENTERTAINS Mrs. John J. Craig entertained Tuesday afternoon with a lunchcon, followed by cards, at her home on Scott-st. The place cards were pretty valentines attached to little heart-shaped bon-bon boxes. Among, the Hutchinson, guests were Charles Mesdames White.

Sam Bailey, George Dohrman, Koster. Parsons, Frank Gofton, Ransom. T. J. Morgan and Miss Mattie Craig.

Hignite Coal is good. 607 Madison-av. Phone S. How Would You Like To Be Rid of That Corn? YOU CAN IF YOU USE DAY'S CORN CURE, 10c. HESS' CUT-RATE DRUG STORE, Pike and Washington Sta.

ders will be prepared to comply promptly with these terms. JOHN L. RICH, Master Commissioner. 3 Commissioner's Sale KENTON CIRCUIT COURT, KENTUCKY. Alice Monett.

Plaintiff, Frances Harris Stevens, Re, Defendant. Equity, No. By virtue of a judgment and order of sale of the Kenton Cireuit Court, rendered Jan. 27, 1908, in. the above cause.

shall proceed to offer for sale, at the Courthouse door, in Independence, to the highest bidder, at public auction. on Wednesday, the 19th day of February, 1908, at 10 o'clock a. upon a credit of four, eight and twelve months, the following property to wit: A tract of land lying and being in Kenton beginning at a stone, Ernst Groger's corner, in the Florence Independence thence with the center of said road 11. 78 e. 33 poles, s.

89 e. 20 poles, s. 79 e. 4 poles to a culvert in said road opposite a large gate on the north side of the road; thence n. 12 w.

29 poles, passing through the center of said gate to a stone; thence n. w. 50 poles to a stone; thence n. e. 33 poles to a stone: thence n.

7 e. 82 poles to a stone: thence n. w. 14 poles to a stone: thence n. 24 w.

poles to a stake on a branch in Warren Stephens' line; thence with his line s. 30 w. poles to a stone: thence n. 82 w. 17 poles to a stake; thence n.

83 w. poles to a stone on a drain; thence S. 64 w. 37 poles to a stone on the north side of 8. branch; thence s.

20 e. poles to a stone: thence S. 45 w. 24 poles to a stone in Marion Stephens' line, corner with Ernst Groger's; thence with Groger's line S. e.

poles to a stone; thence s. 12 e. poles to a fence post: thence S. 361 19 3-5 poles to a stone; thence 5. 47 w.

poles to the beginning; containing acres, and being the same property conveyed to Malvina Swetnam by Frank P. Helm, Master Commissioner, by deed dated Nov. 6, 1885, and recorded. in Deed Book 46, page 314, Kenton-co. Court Records, at Independence.

For the purchase price, the purchaser, with approved surety or sureties, must execute bond, bearing legal interest from the day of sale, according to law. Bid- 538 Madison Av. 538 Madison Av. Covington, Ky. Covington, Ky.

COPPIN'S: Special Sale Muslin Underwear Slightly soiled and mussed, placed on Center Tables, Sixth Street Annex, at about half price, to close out at once. Women's and Children's Prices Range From Gowns, Drawers, Skirts, Corset Children's Covers, Skirts, Chemises, Draw- 5c ers, Underwaists, etc. UP Don't fail to see these goods, as they are great bargains and must be sold Friday and Saturday..

The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.