Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

4. Data From WEATHER BUREAU I FORECASTI Unit. Tuesday Miming WEATHER FORECAST It Will be cooler in the northern Appalachians, Florida, the southern Marion, Indiana, Chronicle July 16, 1962 Weather Forecasts A U.S. Weather Bureau Data Floods Hit Parts Of Midwest Marion Weather A (24 Hours Ending at 7 a.m.) the Northeast quarter of the tonight; Ohio valley, the central Mississippi. valley and warmer in the north and central 1 Rockies.

A few the northern and central Plains. Clearing showers are expected in northern New England, is due over Indiana. (AP. Wirephoto) Floods By United Press International Tornadoes raked the Great Plains and flash floods hit sections of the midwest and South during the night, 70-year-old woman drowned when her, home was swept away by rampaging Banklick Creek in Kenton County, Kentucky. 1 An Iowa City, Iowa, service station owner succumbed to burns received when weekend ters inundated gasoline tanks, fill: ing his establishments with fumes, which exploded.

A tornado touched down 14 miles south of Pampa, demolishing" a house trailer and seriously injuring the elderly who occupied it. Another touched down near Ponca City, Oklax3 Funnel clouds prowled the skies over' Bismarck, N.D., but there were no reports of damage. Clear Away Rubble Wright, Elizabethville, Ohio, and Loraine, cleared away. rubble from earlier, tornadoes. The Iowa River was falling at Marshalltown; Iowa, after chewing a 50-foot hole in the dike, inundating park and sending picnickers scurrying to safety and threatening 400.

homes, The day long rain in northern Kentucky washed out highways and damaged homes and crops. Losses were estimated in excess of $250,000. A Damage fro miowa City, Iowa's 8 inches of rain over weekend was estimated at $100,000. Rantoul, another 1.85 inches of rain and five families evacuated their homes when floodwaters rose! A flash flood east of Wichita Falls, Tex. stalled 200 cars on a highway.

Heavy Rains Cincinnati, Ohio, had 3 inches of rain. Columbus, Ohio, measured 1.22 inches. Charleston; W. 1.40 Columbus, had 1.45 inches of rain in six hours. McAlester, reported, 1.11 inches in a similar period.

Fifty -mile winds and a hail hit Fort Worth, Tex. New Jersey began its 20th day of drought, with no rain forecast for at least two more days. Campers were warned against building fires in the woods. Corn crops were turning brown and grain harvest in Ocean County was only half normal. Rep.

William B. Widnall, appealed to the governor to press for disaster area classification for five counties in the north part of the state. Southern Iowa reported a dangerously high infestation of grass- Temperatures 75. 63 July 16, 1961 .:.84 67 Precipitation .05 Sunset today, 8:11 p.m. Sunrise Tuesday 5:27.

a.m. Precipitation since Jan. 1, 1962, 25.62 inches. Precipitation same date, 1961, 19.96 inches. (Official weather station is lo-1 cated at the Marion Sewage Treatment Plant on Bond Avenue.) a 2 THE WEATHER ELSEWHERE By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS High: Low Albany, cloudy 59 Albuquerque, clear ...90 68 Atlanta, cloudy .......92 Bismarck, cloudy .....66 53 Boise, cloudy .......84 50 Boston, cloudy 62 Buffalo, clear Chicago, cloudy .......68 64 Cleveland, cloudy, 76 63 Denver, clear ....85 52 Des Moines, cloudy ...77 65 Detroit; clear .75 59 Fairbanks, cloudy ....76 52 Fort Worth, cloudy ...101 76 Helena, clear ...70 46 Honolulu, clear 86 75 Juneau, clear .........61 43 Kansas City, cloudy ...89 69 Angeles, cloudy ..74: 63 Louisville, cloudy .....90..72 Memphis, cloudy ......94 73 Miami, clear 92 80 Milwaukee, cloudy ...64 59 St.

Paul, rain ...63 58 New Orleans, cloudy ..90 76 New York, cloudy 89 65 Omaha, clear .81 59 Philadelphia, rain ....87 67 Phoenix, clear ...105 70 Pittsburgh, cloudy ....78 63 Portland, cloudy .68 56 Portland, clear .74 53 Rapid City, cloudy ....75 55 Richmond, cloudy 70 St. Louis, rain ........87 70 Salt Lake City, cloudy 85 63 San Diego, cloudy ...70 63 San Francisco, clear 52 Seattle, cloudy ........68 54 Tampa, clear .90 .79 Washington, cloudy ...81 72 School To Teach TV Preaching ATLANTA (AP) Emory University is aiming at bringing preachers into closer contact with the television-conditioned A course in television preaching, described as the first in any U.S. seminary, will be offered this fall. Student ministers will preach before television cameras and view. themselves in action later on a videotape.

A hoppers with as many as '100 per square yard counted in some areas, A FROM $6000 TO OR MORE "LINE OF CREDIT" Consolidate YOUR BILLS REFINANCE YOUR CAR With Long Term, Low Cost Loan COMPARE THESE: PAYMENTSFor 36 Months. $2,000 68.89 $3,000 $103.33 $4,000 $137.78 you have 'good credit you join our Secure Low Cost, Long Term Loans Hours: Mon. thru Thur. 9. a.m.

to 5 p.m. Fri. 9 to 8 p.m. Sat. a.m.

to 1 p.m. FINANCIAL PLANNERS ASSOCIATION 1517 Glass Block Phone NO 2-8743 50-Year-Old Girl Scouts Not Trying To Be Coy About Age BUTTON BAY, Vt. (AP) Ladies generally don't brag when they reach their $50th birthdays but 10,000 Girl Scouts open a rousing 10-day female, stag party Wednesday to commemorate the event. The second International Girl Scout Roundup makrs the golden anniversary of the year a lady named Juliette Low of Savannah, organized a group of girls to teach them such maidenly arts as camping, cow milking and reining runaway horses. "Honor the Past- Serve the Future" is the theme of the roundup which will continue through July President Kennedy will send greetings.

The Post Office Department has: issued a stamp. Button Bay, a flat, 450-acre site, will be converted into a state park after the girls depart. Girl Scout officials say it will be the "largest" mass movement of teen-aged girls in the country's history. Eleven special trains from all over the United States, 100 chartered buses. and.

a hay wagon which will convey a troop from nearby Rutland, are included in the Scouts 14 through years of age will do much of the work. but 1,700 adults will be on supervise and lend assistance. Each patrol of eight girls will live adjacent to at least three other patrols from different parts of the country. Girls will rotate cooking over their own charcoal fires, getting supplies from the commissary and washing up. Numerous food firms have donated tons of groceries, including -know-what for pancakes, from the Vermont 41 Maple Industry 1 Council.

A village green: has been set aside where costumed Girl Scouts from New England, New York .03 Integration Backers Fast .03 36 In Illinois CAIRO, IL: (AP) Fourteen jailed integrationists, vowing not to eat until they. are released, got candy bars through their cell bars Sunday. Police said it was not known if the 14 ate any of the candy. None of them accepted jail -lunches or suppers. Two of the 14 ate breakfast, then vowed with the others to refuse all.

food. Dozens of Negroes visited the jail during the day and passed candy bars to the prisoners. Three white men, a white woman and 10 Negro teen-agers were jailed Saturday when they refused police orders to move from the entrance of an all-white swimming pool. Four others arrested at the same time are free on bond. Those remaining in jail said they did not want bond.

it et All are scheduled to appear in court Thursday on charges rang. ing from violation of the state law against mob action, breach of the peace and obstructing an officer. Possible penalties are one year in jail and fines of $500. BLAZING CLASSROOMS LAFAYETTE, Ind. (AP) About 200 municipal, volunteer and industrial firemen will be taught various flame fighting techniques by Purdue safety experts at the 29th annual Indiana State Fire School here Sept.

18-21. Two abandoned houses will be burned as a study aid. and New Jersey will give demonstrations in such colonial arts as weaving, quilting, candle dipping, tin painting, and, an old- Indian squaw scout trick, making birching bark canoes. A mass campfire July 20 tures a pageant of scouting while a second July 24 will have folk dancing and singing, awarding of 12 college scholarships and a twoton birthday cake. 6 Treated At Hospital For Injuries Six persons were given emergency treatment Sunday at Marion General Hospital and later dismissed.

Carolyn Thalls, 21, 1910 W. was treated for a fractured nose after she was injured in an automobile accident near Muncie. She was first treated at Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie. James Embry, 24, 3702 S. Landess suffered contusions of the left arm in an automobile accident Saturday.

He came to the hospital Sunday and was X-rayed: Mabel Smith, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Smith, 3510 Poplar was treated for an injured left foot after she stepped on a nail. James Van Landingham, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Van Landingham, 2703 S. Meridian fell from a tree and suffered a laceration of the left ring finger. Steven Trueman, 16, son of Mrs. Clifford Crawford, 1010 E. 28th was treated for- a sprained right ankle suffered while roller skating.

Phillip Winegardner, 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winegardner, R. 1, Fairmount, fell down steps and suffered contusions of the spine. Jehovah's Witnesses Set Ohio Assembly David A.

Himelick, 327 N. Boots has been assigned to speak at district assembly of Jehovah's witnesses at Lima, Ohio, Friday through Sunday. According to Himelick, the threeday program at the assembly is considered as an advanced training session for the Witnesses. The sessions will include demonstrations on Bible teaching methods as well as talks on Bible doctrines. He will speak on' the subject, "Be In Subjection To Whom?" Himelick, who serves as gregation Servant in the Marion congregation of Witnesses, explained whole congregations will attend.

Several family groups from Marion are planning to make the trip. The Lima Convention is one of a series being held in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Himelick estimated some 4,000 will attend the Lima meeting. Marion Native Going To Greece WASHINGTON '(UPI)-Robert E. McCoy, a native of Marion, was named Sunday by the Agency for International Development as its representative in Greece.

McCoy, a career diplomat, will be in charge of administering U.S. foreign aid to Greece. VACATION DAYS SAFETY GOOD TEAR BRAKE SPECIAL front wheels, adjust. brakes front bearings grease: seal brake MAKE SURE fluid and road test YOU CAN STOP GOOD YEAR SERVICE STORES GOODYEAR CORNER WASHINGTON ST. PHONE AT NINTH NONE MORE QUALIFIED TO SERVE 3 D': Oxygen Equipped Ambulances Air Conditioned Chapel funeral Home "WORTHY OF A SACRED MAURICE E.

KIMBALL EARL R. LOVE EDWIN R. LOVE 504 W. 3rd Street Phone NOrth 2-2503 9 READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS your friendly store Ball fora washington at fifth Girl Guides, the equivalent elsewhere of the Girl Scouts, are, participating too-150 of them comfrom as far as Japan and Nigeria. It's a far cry from March 12, 1912, when Juliette Low.

had a group of girls- the first scoutsover to her house to train 1 them in camping, Morse code, cow milking and how to catch a way horse. "Now there are million Girl Scouts and runaway horses are as rare as a Boy Scout in Button Bay. BICYCLES TRICYCLES TOY AUTOS WAGONS. SCOOTERS New Models at Low Prices PULLEY'S 417 North Washington St. "Your Cycle Center" Fast bag change takes only 5 seconds Exclusive Double-Stretch PRICE Hose Full motor horsepower REDUCED on this brand new HOOVER Telescoping Wand Constellation won't come apart Model ONLY light, rug and $3885 New NOW low, floor nozzle It beats as it sweeps as it cleans.

HOOVER Convertible Cleaner $5995 HOUSEWARES, Downstairs shop daily, 9:30 friday, 9:30 9:00 NOrth 4-6291 5 1 3 ALUMINUM SIDING SPECIAL 10 DAYS ONLY FREE! FREE! THIS BEAUTIFUL LAMP POST OF TEROX STONE VALUED AT $300.00 WITH EVERY COMPLETE ALUMINUM SIDING JOB OR REMODELING JOB Our custom quality work will raise the value of your: home, give it lasting beauty and save costly maintenance. NO PAYMENT 'TIL NO DOWN PAYMENT 7 YEARS TO PAY! Call Now NO 4-2790 302 6th JACK HALL Aluminum President Co. JACK HALL A MARION KOKOMO ANDERSON MUNCIE iN r. -A I 2 4 Tuesday with not much temperature change. Low, in the 60s.

tonight, High. Tuesday 70-74. 3-4-5-6-7: Clearing and a little cooler tonight. Mostly fair and pleasant Tuesday. Low tonight 3-4-5 in low High Tuesday 74 6-7: 63-66 and 77-82.

Wednesday outlook: Partly cloudy and mild. Chance of scattered showers or thundershowers extreme south. INDIANA FIVE-DAY OUTLOOK SOUTHERN CENTRAL INDIANA: Temperatures average from near to 4 degrees below normal high 85-90 normal low 63-68. A' little cooler through Wednesday and again' about Saturday with slow warming trend Rain normal generally exceeding three -quarters inch mainly Wednesday through Friday. NORTHERN INDIANA: Terhperatures will average about 6 degrees below normal high 84-89 normal low 61-66.

Only minor changes Tuesday through Saturday. Rain will total around onehalf inch in showers about Thursday or Friday. OPIST INDIANA FORECASTS 1-2: Partly cloudy tonight and McNamara's in Charge Draws Quick Answer INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Indiana leaders defended the Hoosier State Saturday against charges by Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara that the Midwest is lagging behind both coasts: in industrial research. Lt.

Gov. Richard O. Ristine retorted, "We have just as good as brains, industrial know-how and potential research facilities 'as any place else. Our trouble was in the lack of promoting our abilities until "the past year or has been: quoted as telling Midwest congressmen last week that their states' share of defense contracts was falling off because costal firms offered more knowledge in research. Jack: Reich, executive vice presIdent of the Indiana State Chamber of Commerce, called the Gov.

A Matthew E. Welsh said, "Indiana has both the technical manpower and plant facilities to make an Increased contribution to both the development and productian of defense needs." The governor said state officials will 5 make every effort to spur the awarding of military procurement contracts to Indiana. ARRESTED HOLLYWOOD (AP) Actor Bobby Jordan, 39, one of the movles original "Dead End Kids," has arrested on a charge, of drunken. driving. GROOM'S DRUG STORE THE REXALL STORE Swayzee, Ind.

PRECRIPTIONS Drugs Greeting Cards Sick Room Supplies Baby Needs Lowe Brothers Paints 9 4 A.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.