Eclipse Community Forums: Search for 4tires | The Eclipse Foundation (2024)

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Eclipse Community Forums: Search for 4tires | The Eclipse Foundation (6)
55 Search Results Found
1Forum: TMF (Xtext) «»Posted on: Sun, 21 March 2021 21:28 «»By: Alfredo Aldundi
Index User Data
I am trying to understand the use of user data in the index in the context of the following simple type system:Model:types+=Type*instances+=Instance*;Type:abstract?='abstract'? 'type' name=ID ('extends' superType=[Type])? '{'conta...
2Forum: Sirius «»Posted on: Wed, 07 June 2017 09:13 «»By: Pierre-Charles David
Re: Property View - dynamic groups
Hi.If I understand your use case correctly, you should be able to do this simply by specifying the "Semantic Candidate Expressions" or your "Tire" group to an expression that will return all the tires of the Car. If the "Semant...
3Forum: Sirius «»Posted on: Tue, 06 June 2017 11:20 «»By: William Coh
Property View - dynamic groups
Hey there,I have some questions regarding defining my own property view:1. Is it possible to define a "group" and to add this group x-times dynamically during runtime to the same page? If so - how?2. Inside a group I can have a dynami...
4Forum: Sapphire «»Posted on: Mon, 09 December 2013 19:24 «»By: Konstantin Komissarchik
Sapphire 0.7 RC1
We've reached the stage of the 0.7 release where all bugs are either fixed and verified or deferred, so a release candidate is available. 0.7 adopters are urged to move to this bui...
5Forum: GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework) «»Posted on: Tue, 16 August 2011 19:56 «»By: janpojer
Loading external resource
Hi all,Is it possible to load an external resource file (one I have created in different emf editor) in to my current gmf project only to iterate through the file and perform appropriate actions? If I try to load external file through...URI fileU...
6Forum: Eclipse Platform «»Posted on: Sun, 10 July 2011 08:29 «»By: Hari Krishnan
run a process in eclipse plugin console
Hi All,Please Help me If you know this.Here it goes, I have a menu created by my plugin. When I press the menu a command is executed something like make XYZ and XYZ points to a perl script perl script contains a command like enteri...
7Forum: Gemini «»Posted on: Thu, 07 July 2011 19:39 «»By: Norman Maurer
Re: Programmly register Bean and expose as service
And again to close the loop I managed todo it with the OsgiServicefactoryBean and the BeanDefinitionRegistry. I registered a BundleListener which will look for a specific implemented interface. If its found in the bundle it tires do lookop the Applicat...
8Forum: Java Development Tools (JDT) «»Posted on: Fri, 11 February 2011 18:57 «»By: Deepak Azad
Re: Step filters are not applied to call stack
On 2/11/2011 11:58 PM, wrote:> I've patched the org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui to filter out the unwanted> stack frames. If anyone wants the patched version, please leave me a> note ;)>> Cheers> Dieter (from Intersu...
9Forum: JFace «»Posted on: Thu, 13 January 2011 10:12 «»By: Eclipse User
Re: [DataBinding] add non-model intermediary elements with ObservableListTreeContentProvider
Originally posted by: matthias.koester.numberfour.euHi Tom,Thanks for your hint, I already had a similar idea on my mind when I wrote my post. But your example really helped, thx a lot!Now I "just" need to hook up commands for adding an...
10Forum: JFace «»Posted on: Wed, 12 January 2011 14:49 «»By: Thomas Schindl
Re: [DataBinding] add non-model intermediary elements with ObservableListTreeContentProvider
You can take a look at my e4 model editor who adds such virtual nodes.There are 2 tricks I'm using to make it work:a) I create virtual elements named VirtualEntry who them selves simply wrap an IObservableList in my IObservableFactoryb) The IOb...
11Forum: JFace «»Posted on: Wed, 12 January 2011 14:23 «»By: Eclipse User
[DataBinding] add non-model intermediary elements with ObservableListTreeContentProvider
Originally posted by: matthias.koester.numberfour.euHi,I'm using ObservableListTreeContentProvider to create a tree view for an EMF based model. Everything works fine, I especially like the EMF edit integration. Now I want to group my object eCon...
12Forum: MDT (Model Development Tools) «»Posted on: Thu, 10 September 2009 13:48 «»By: Kenn Hussey
Re: Creating objects with multi-valued children
I should clarify that, as Ed pointed out in another thread, the additional initialization should be done in a new/separate factory method. Likewise, the listener approach could present problems during serialization or copying, depending on whether no...
13Forum: MDT (Model Development Tools) «»Posted on: Thu, 10 September 2009 13:48 «»By: Kenn Hussey
Re: Creating objects with multi-valued children
I should clarify that, as Ed pointed out in another thread, the additional initialization should be done in a new/separate factory method. Likewise, the listener approach could present problems during serialization or copying, depending on whether no...
14Forum: MDT (Model Development Tools) «»Posted on: Thu, 10 September 2009 13:43 «»By: Kenn Hussey
Re: Creating objects with multi-valued children
Doug,Yes, modifying the factory to do additional initialization for newly created objects would make sense. An alternative would be to attach a listener which detects creation/addition of a new car and responds by creating/adding the necessary ti...
15Forum: MDT (Model Development Tools) «»Posted on: Thu, 10 September 2009 13:43 «»By: Kenn Hussey
Re: Creating objects with multi-valued children
Doug,Yes, modifying the factory to do additional initialization for newly created objects would make sense. An alternative would be to attach a listener which detects creation/addition of a new car and responds by creating/adding the necessary ti...
16Forum: Modeling (top-level project) «»Posted on: Wed, 02 September 2009 14:31 «»By: Ed Merks
Re: Creating objects with multi-valued children
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.--------------090001090207010602060208Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowedContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitDoug,Please use the EMF newsgroup for basic EMF questions like this:...
17Forum: Modeling (top-level project) «»Posted on: Wed, 02 September 2009 14:31 «»By: Ed Merks
Re: Creating objects with multi-valued children
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.--------------090001090207010602060208Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowedContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitDoug,Please use the EMF newsgroup for basic EMF questions like this:...
18Forum: COSMOS «»Posted on: Fri, 14 November 2008 19:54 «»By: David Whiteman
COSMOS V1.0 is available!
COSMOS V1.0 is available!COSMOS 1.0 provides support for the emerging Configuration ManagementDatabase federation (CMDBf) standard, based on the CMDBf 1.0bspecification ( Download COSMOS 1.0<
19Forum: COSMOS «»Posted on: Fri, 14 November 2008 19:54 «»By: Eclipse User
COSMOS V1.0 is available!
Originally posted by: V1.0 is available!COSMOS 1.0 provides support for the emerging Configuration ManagementDatabase federation (CMDBf) standard, based on the CMDBf 1.0bspecification ( Downl...
20Forum: EMF «»Posted on: Fri, 14 November 2008 13:29 «»By: Cyril Faucher
Re: isUnique to false on EReference
Ed,Comments below.Ed Merks a écrit :> Cyril,> > Normally I'd expect the car to be a container for the tires.If you have an EReference "tires" (containment = false) between an EClass CarType and an EClass TireType then...
21Forum: EMF «»Posted on: Fri, 14 November 2008 11:11 «»By: Ed Merks
Re: isUnique to false on EReference
Cyril,Normally I'd expect the car to be a container for the tires. Otherwise it's just references to tires contained elsewhere. Which is okay, but is a list really what I want in this case? Can a car sometimes have 3 tires? Does it matter whi...
22Forum: COSMOS «»Posted on: Thu, 07 August 2008 19:41 «»By: David Whiteman
COSMOS 1.0M3 is now available
COSMOS 1.0M3 is NOW available*At a glance*COSMOS 1.0M3 provides the following new features and improvements: * *Cross component enhancements* o Improved stability, including numerous bug fixes o Improved logging suppor...
23Forum: COSMOS «»Posted on: Thu, 07 August 2008 19:41 «»By: David Whiteman
COSMOS 1.0M3 is now available
COSMOS 1.0M3 is NOW available*At a glance*COSMOS 1.0M3 provides the following new features and improvements: * *Cross component enhancements* o Improved stability, including numerous bug fixes o Improved logging suppor...
24Forum: Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF) «»Posted on: Fri, 21 March 2008 18:52 «»By: Scott Lewis
Re: Sametime Provider
Hi David,Unfortunately no, not yet.There is an existing enhancement request for this, however: add yourself to/vote for this bug to convey your desire for this.Those of us withou...
25Forum: Eclipse Communications Framework (ECF) «»Posted on: Fri, 21 March 2008 07:02 «»By: Eclipse User
Sametime Provider
Originally posted by: was introduced to ECF at EclipseCon and was very impressed. So here I am "kicking the tires", so to speak :).I was wondering...has there been a provider written for Sametime?David
26Forum: COSMOS «»Posted on: Tue, 11 March 2008 21:02 «»By: Eclipse User
COSMOS 1.0M2 is now available
Originally posted by: 1.0M2 is NOW availableAt a glanceCOSMOS 1.0M2 provides a number of new features that provide support forthe emerging Configuration Management Database federation (CMDBf)standard, based on ...
27Forum: COSMOS «»Posted on: Tue, 11 March 2008 21:02 «»By: David Whiteman
COSMOS 1.0M2 is now available
COSMOS 1.0M2 is NOW availableAt a glanceCOSMOS 1.0M2 provides a number of new features that provide support forthe emerging Configuration Management Database federation (CMDBf)standard, based on the CMDBf 1.0 specification (
28Forum: UML2 «»Posted on: Mon, 26 November 2007 14:47 «»By: james bruck
Re: Instance Specification in Composite Structure diagram
I believe this is what you are looking for.... let me know if I messed something up.Cheers,- James."Tatiana Fesenko" <> wrote in message
29Forum: UML2 «»Posted on: Mon, 26 November 2007 14:47 «»By: james bruck
Re: Instance Specification in Composite Structure diagram
I believe this is what you are looking for.... let me know if I messed something up.Cheers,- James."Tatiana Fesenko" <> wrote in message
30Forum: UML2 «»Posted on: Thu, 22 November 2007 12:17 «»By: Tatiana Fesenko
Re: Instance Specification in Composite Structure diagram
James,Thanks a lot.If you produce the .uml it would be great. I am interested in all elements shown on the figure.Best regards,Tatiana.> Tatiana,> > If you are still having issues with this I can produce the .uml.> &gt...
31Forum: UML2 «»Posted on: Thu, 22 November 2007 12:17 «»By: Tatiana Fesenko
Re: Instance Specification in Composite Structure diagram
James,Thanks a lot.If you produce the .uml it would be great. I am interested in all elements shown on the figure.Best regards,Tatiana.> Tatiana,> > If you are still having issues with this I can produce the .uml.> &gt...
32Forum: UML2 «»Posted on: Wed, 21 November 2007 22:51 «»By: james bruck
Re: Instance Specification in Composite Structure diagram
Tatiana,If you are still having issues with this I can produce the .uml.- James."James Bruck" <> wrote in message news:fi22uj$589$> Hi Tatiana,>> I believe those ...
33Forum: UML2 «»Posted on: Wed, 21 November 2007 22:51 «»By: james bruck
Re: Instance Specification in Composite Structure diagram
Tatiana,If you are still having issues with this I can produce the .uml.- James."James Bruck" <> wrote in message news:fi22uj$589$> Hi Tatiana,>> I believe those ...
34Forum: UML2 «»Posted on: Wed, 21 November 2007 20:03 «»By: james bruck
Re: Instance Specification in Composite Structure diagram
Hi Tatiana,I believe those inner items ( leftfront, leftrear etc ) are Slots and notInstanceSpecification's. The definingFeature of the slots would be theparts corresponding to the various tires. Have a look at Figure 7.53 at theexplanation of ...
35Forum: UML2 «»Posted on: Wed, 21 November 2007 20:03 «»By: james bruck
Re: Instance Specification in Composite Structure diagram
Hi Tatiana,I believe those inner items ( leftfront, leftrear etc ) are Slots and notInstanceSpecification's. The definingFeature of the slots would be theparts corresponding to the various tires. Have a look at Figure 7.53 at theexplanation of ...
36Forum: COSMOS «»Posted on: Thu, 26 July 2007 14:13 «»By: David Whiteman
COSMOS 0.4 is now available
COSMOS 0.4 is NOW available (version listed is 1.0.0-200706281537)COSMOS 0.4 provides the following features:*Tools that support systems management data conforming to the Service Modeling Language (SML) and SML-Interchange Format (SML-IF) standard...
37Forum: COSMOS «»Posted on: Thu, 26 July 2007 14:13 «»By: Eclipse User
COSMOS 0.4 is now available
Originally posted by: 0.4 is NOW available (version listed is 1.0.0-200706281537)COSMOS 0.4 provides the following features:*Tools that support systems management data conforming to the Service Modeling Language (...
38Forum: EPP «»Posted on: Fri, 12 January 2007 08:30 «»By: Thomas Hallgren
Re: Welcome to
Hi John,John Cooney wrote:> I was glad to see this project proposal, but have a few questions that > don't appear to be in scope based on the proposal. Are there guidelines > or standards on how workspaces can be packaged/shared? My us...
39Forum: EPP «»Posted on: Fri, 12 January 2007 08:30 «»By: Thomas Hallgren
Re: Welcome to
Hi John,John Cooney wrote:> I was glad to see this project proposal, but have a few questions that > don't appear to be in scope based on the proposal. Are there guidelines > or standards on how workspaces can be packaged/shared? My us...
40Forum: EPP «»Posted on: Thu, 04 January 2007 21:32 «»By: Markus Knauer
Re: Welcome to
Thanks, John - and yes, you are right, some of these questions are out ofscope of this project.But to give you answers to your questions:(1) A set of features/plugins could be bundled in a zip/tar archive anddistributed to your users. A tooling...
41Forum: EPP «»Posted on: Thu, 04 January 2007 21:32 «»By: Eclipse User
Re: Welcome to
Originally posted by: mknauer.innoopract.comThanks, John - and yes, you are right, some of these questions are out ofscope of this project.But to give you answers to your questions:(1) A set of features/plugins could be bundled in a zip/tar arc...
42Forum: EPP «»Posted on: Wed, 03 January 2007 19:43 «»By: John Cooney
Re: Welcome to
I was glad to see this project proposal, but have a few questions that don't appear to be in scope based on the proposal. Are there guidelines or standards on how workspaces can be packaged/shared? My usecase is that I have a set of features/plugin...
43Forum: EPP «»Posted on: Wed, 03 January 2007 19:43 «»By: John Cooney
Re: Welcome to
I was glad to see this project proposal, but have a few questions that don't appear to be in scope based on the proposal. Are there guidelines or standards on how workspaces can be packaged/shared? My usecase is that I have a set of features/plugin...
44Forum: BIRT «»Posted on: Thu, 10 November 2005 20:18 «»By: Jane Tatchell
Re: building report
The online help provides a number of tutorials and quite a lot of otherdocumentation, including how to build nested reports that use more than oneSQL query. Does this not provide what you need? (Note that the documentationhas not yet been updated sin...
45Forum: BIRT «»Posted on: Thu, 10 November 2005 15:02 «»By: Eclipse User
building report
Originally posted by: akravets.kligerweiss.comHello,I am kicking BIRT's tires coming from company's legacy reporting framework and I guess in BIRT things are done a little bit different. So, I am taking current report we have and trying to build ...
46Forum: BIRT «»Posted on: Wed, 19 October 2005 18:10 «»By: No real name
Re: GroupBy feature
>If you really need the Customer name to> be in the same row as their first order, you might have to do some clever> scripting. I'm not sure there's a simple way to do that.You can display a header value on the same row as the first detai...
47Forum: BIRT «»Posted on: Thu, 06 October 2005 20:10 «»By: floor
Re: GroupBy feature
Ruthour,It sounds like you have the Group By part of your query right, but you need to set the Table Group property. If you click on the appropriate Table in the Outline, look for the Groups tab at the bottom of the Property Editor. Here, you ca...
48Forum: BIRT «»Posted on: Thu, 06 October 2005 19:54 «»By: Eclipse User
Re: GroupBy feature
Originally posted by: Ruth.xxxx.comSome one respond please!!!!Ruthour wrote:> Hello,> I have to display two columns in the report table where first column and > second column values are grouped by first and second columns itself....
49Forum: BIRT «»Posted on: Wed, 05 October 2005 22:26 «»By: Eclipse User
GroupBy feature
Originally posted by: Ruthour.xxxx.comHello,I have to display two columns in the report table where first column and second column values are grouped by first and second columns itself. Query is working fine. I get the result like this===...
50Forum: BIRT «»Posted on: Wed, 14 September 2005 21:05 «»By: Eclipse User
Re: Importing a Subreport
Originally posted by: sevag.gharibian.embarcadero.comHi,Thank you for your response. I was wondering if there was a way to do this programmatically instead using the Report Engine API? Some sort of hack until 2.0 is released?Thanks again,...
51Forum: BIRT «»Posted on: Wed, 14 September 2005 20:59 «»By: Scott Rosenbaum
Re: Importing a Subreport
Sev,I don't believe that there is a way to do this in 1.0, or if there is, it is not pretty. This is one of the functions that will be supported in BIRT 2.0. Here is a link to the spec document.
52Forum: BIRT «»Posted on: Wed, 14 September 2005 19:49 «»By: Eclipse User
Importing a Subreport
Originally posted by: sevag.gharibian.embarcadero.comHi all,I was wondering if anybody could tell me if there's a way to import one report into another, like Java import statements/C++ include statements?i.e. Say i have a report called Car, and...
53Forum: ServerTools (WTP) «»Posted on: Thu, 30 September 2004 18:59 «»By: Dan Rubel
Pollinate Status and Meeting Agenda 2004-09-30
Pollinate Status and Meeting Agenda 2004-09-30Anyone interested may attend the weekly Pollinate conference call:Thursday, September 30, 20041 pm PDT / 4 pm EDT1-858-300-3030 (San Diego, CA)Participant Access Code: 844841) NewsC...
54Forum: Visual Editor (VE) «»Posted on: Mon, 12 January 2004 14:14 «»By: Gili Mendel
Re: VE and Eclipse 3.0
Steven Buroff wrote:> Does the current version of VE work with Eclipse 3.0 M6? If not, any idea> when a version compatible with> that version of Eclipse might be available? Thanks.> > V5.0.0 will be supported on V2 Eclipse....
55Forum: Visual Editor (VE) «»Posted on: Mon, 12 January 2004 14:14 «»By: Eclipse User
Re: VE and Eclipse 3.0
Originally posted by: mendelgili.netscape.netSteven Buroff wrote:> Does the current version of VE work with Eclipse 3.0 M6? If not, any idea> when a version compatible with> that version of Eclipse might be available? Thanks.> > ...

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Eclipse Community Forums: Search for 4tires | The Eclipse Foundation (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.