Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


For your convenience the ad may be phoned to 125. They bring best results 4. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. VESTAL Farms and y. City Homes.

Group Floor. Fourth and Boots. De WOLR. WHITE Co. Estate.

Rentals, Insurance, East Fourth WESTFALL MULLEN, Soll West Side: Square. Plone HES6 cO; heal Estate, Glass Block Marion, Ind. A TATE, CLARENCE RENTALS, CARR, INSURANCE REAL LOANS. MINTERS (The Land Man) 00. FARM LANDS.

401 Marion Block. Phones 1630-1713' HENRY LOAN Estate, Rental, Insurance, Chattel and Heal Estate Loans. N. 8. Sor.


9 to 12 a. 2 to 6 p. m. 305-7: Iroquols Bldg, Phone 72. LOST.

LOST- -Brown man's: coat between square and Goldthwait park Sunday evening. Liberal reward. Leave; at Chronicle. 7-6-t LOST evening, meerschaum pipe covered with chamois. Initial "F': on band.

Leave at the Chronicle. Reward. 7-10-3tp LOST- pm Greek back. sorority Return. pin.

to Initials icle and receive reward. 7-10-2tp WANTED ROOMS, WANTED -TO rent furnished apartment. Phone 232 or address 115 West Fourth street. 1tc POUND. FOUND -Stockman, tallor, LOw make you the best two place located a at -the itarion hotel, can suit in Marion, We do not send away your order to' mall order house; West Fifth street, Marion Hotel build- a FOUND best dry cleaning in city at the Up To Date, 115 West Fifth street.

Marion hotel, Phone 1768. All work guaranteed. FOUND -In Hiatt's 'grocery, gold necklace Owner can Identity and have at store. 7-10-2tp HELP. WANTED MALE.

WANTED -Men ito learn the barber trade. Be independent: Few weeks completes. Positions waiting. Odr. graduates qualifed- for: best.

jobs. Wages while learning. Tools given. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, Ind.

HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED- Housekeeper for A stag club. Reference required. 3934 8. Washington Phone 3184- Black.

7-10-3tc WANTED- -Young women to learn nursing. High class regiatered training school. Earn $25 per week after graduation. Write for catalogue. Washington Park.

Hospital, 1433 E. 60th Chicago. 1tp Would you work for $15.00 per week, 8 hours a day? Woman wanted to distribute free packages Borax Washing -Ward Soap 216 Institute Chicago. 1 WANTED MALL OR FEMALE. WANTED Ten good men and wommiddle A money makerCall at- 523.

White's avenue, 8 to 10. m. and 8 p.m.*. 7-9-3tp FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUN FOR BALE Up to date buses, er rubber tires. Bargain.

Telephone: 810. 7.10-2tp (FOR storm SALE- -buggy. One good Stewart Bros. second-band and FOR SALE-25 second band bicycles. Stewart FOR SALE-1913 Twin Indian cycle.

Stewart. Bros. 5. FOR. BALE- -Medicine wagon.

tor milk or. bread wagon. Bargain. Stewart Bros. FOR BALE -Nice celery plants.

311 A E. Grant street. Mrs. Sprinkle. 7-8-6 to 1 FOR SALE -Gas range, good new.

7-11-3tp: Call 310 West Fourth. me TRADE--LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE I informed three or four gentlemen that I had disposed of my aplendid eight-year-old mare, buggy, breaking. cart and harness. The purchaser was unable to complete the" deal, on account of which must again offer the property for vale or trade, as I have absolutely no ase for it.

Long time, if desirable: Geo. W. Steele, National, Military Home, Indiana. 21 7-8-4 tc AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. FOR.

SALE -Buick roadster, model 36, driven miles. Address F. E. 1031 E. Sycamore street, Kokomo, Ind.

Phone 481. 7-10-8to FOR SALE Second-hand Auburn automobile, In good condition, cheap. See Guy Hayes, City garage. FURNISHED ROOMS. in FOR RENT--Furnished rooms.

tlemen preferred. 7-11-6ta Red laundress Cross Ball Blue maxes" the happy, makes clothes whiter than All good grocers BUSINESS PERSONALS, Different he Marion. In Detroit swimming lessons cost 50 cents per, or 6 for $2.50. We dive them FREE. Watch the paper for.

announcement. C. Fifth: and Boots Greets: 2 License, applications and has ours at Exchange, over and, 19g, tc Omar Parker, carpets and Phone 37th street add 118. West. WANTED- Tuft to Third.

Phone 1972. $-23-tic TO PARENTS better for. your boy than a Er M. C. A.

meme betsbip; 50 centa per month or $4.00 per 10 a thousand fathers. would tell their sons they, would lite to see them swim -the of the would be a thousand Immediate-" swimming pool this summer. there interested In thing mightily worth while: Give 'it a trial: Call at the Farmers' Exchange and see the fine grain samples from the Canadian Pacide John our excursion to the greatest of all farming districts; where you can buy a farm and pay for it with one or two crops. Farmers' Exchange, and 101 cent. store.

7-8-2 MARION WELDING Welds Broken Castings. 514 8. Adams. Street. Phone 700.

Jesse Lancaster, paper hanger. Fall paper 3 to cents per roll. Quick work. Alf work guaranteed or no pay. Phone 3110-Red.

-7-10-3tc HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. PAID for young and chickens, real, calves, etc. Street's Sanitary ket. Phone 1016 or 2518. For.

Sale. air la cheap, but ft takes' money to buy good shoea. We out of high rent district, and for quality defy competition. Chas, R. Brunt.

FOR KENT. FOR RENT- Modern house, seven rooms. 1807. 7-7-6ty FOR RENT -Downstairs for light housekeeping. Telephone 327.

7-11-2tc FOR RENT--Modern 6-room house, close in, Phone 1478, 1tP. READ CHRONICLE WANT ADS: DAY AND NIGHT THE BIG MARION FAIR July 20, 21.22:23, 24, 1914 SPECIAL FEATURES BIG PRY O- -Spectacle Drama "PANAMA" OR THE OPENING OF THE CANAL 300. -PEOPLE -300 DAYLIGHT FIREWORKS COLOSSAL NIGHT FIREWORKS Eruption of Mt. Esporanza 6-Big Free Circus and Hippodrome Big Battle in Mid- Air Between Dirigible Balloons and Aero- -Planes Big General Farm Exhibit 13. HANDSOME PRIZES.

Donated by Marion Merchants. Exhibits A Confined to Grant County, HARNESS, AND RUNNING RACES There will be something doing minute for ave days nights, Admission. Adults 25c. Children 6 to 12,15: Nights, 25c 3 1414-INYL- DACH MD. FOR SALE HOUSES AND LOTS.

FOR SALE 8-room residence on street, near 14th, good barn. Price $1,200. Terma, cash, balance A Will accept a good motorcycle as part of drat payment. Vestal Reynolde, 4th and Boots. 7-10-2tc FOR SALE -6-room cottage and summer kitchen.

on East 30th. street. Newly papered, vary plahed woodwork. grained floors, city water in house, electric lights, ward-, robes, large fruit. A nice home or rental proposition.

Outside of corporation, low taxes. Price for few "days, $900. Immediate pos- Vestal -Reynolds, 4th and Boots. A 7-10-2tc FOR BALE rooms, and bath barn close 1g pa Fifth street. This property entirel modern la CLARENCE CARR.

5-19 tr FOR SALE." A. barn on Two cottages rooms each lots, House all for and lot. for 2 50. House needs 'some repairing, Five acres with Zitairly good house, -Joining city for $1,800. Good: 7-room: house with a sman barn and 4 large lots xl block from interurban line: $1,000.

1 to SUMMER REHORTS. Yellow Banks Park Totel, on Web- 1 ster Isake is now open to the public. Modern appolntments. All outside rooms. Chicken dinner every Sunday.

Andrew Addington. 6-20-Sat-4t Miss Harriet Rottler of Indianapons, Misses Alice and, Emily. Gold. batt -and Mra. O.

R. Daniels UT Marion were Friday by' entertained Mrs. E. al 'O. Daniels.

luncheon on Van" -Lewis had misfortune to fall a 'load of' bay, ng several ribs, Lawrence: and bay of are spending the week here. Mine Lena Johnston is visiting at Tipton. have The a farmers of. they community begun threshing. The wheat 18 of good quality and an average of thirty bushels ty, the acre.

Herman Thomas Was" brougut Saturday. from the. hospital, on the Misa Loyal Grace Christian Rennaker Workers' entertained Sunday school clams to a "Hard Times Social" on Wednesday evening. "The dresses. ot the quests were sue gestive of times.

and the most appropriate costumes were those of Mrs. Burr Dicken and Hugh who were winners of the prises. Fines were Imposed upon all who were over and any who were even so unfortunate as to have gold Alling their teeth. The evening was spent contests and music. Refreshments were served.

The serond division 0. the Ladies' Aid of the Christian church met in an all-day. sewing at Mrs. Sherman Thompson's Friday. Miss Freda Mrinnie of and Mra.

Frank Kendall and children of Lincolnville spent Wednesday with Lem Motifinis. James Lane of Marion visited Wed. nesday and Thursday with bis sister, Ben Banister. Mrs. C.

Royre and son, Robert, "left Friday, for Striker, 0. Mr8. Royce was called to the bedside of ber mother, who is seriously Ill. Announcements were received today af the birth of a sOn to Mr. and Mrs.

C. Halibet of Yorktown. Mra. Hiibet was. formerly Mies Elizabeu: Logan, Jeanette Miller entertained at, 1 o'clock luncheon Friday In 4 honor of' her guest, Miss chuck of Fort Other gres's were Misses Dorothy Saxton Wesh-.

ington 0., Mary Nowan of! Lebanon, Dorothy Sailors, Maryanna pantater. Charlotte Harper, May Hendricks, Thelma- Neal, Eon Palmer and Fern Ham, Mrs. Joba Crumley and son of Marion spent the day. Wednesday with relatives to LaFontaine, are spending 1 week here. Snyder and wife of afarion Mrs.

R. F. Lendrum went to Warsaw Wednesday where she will be joined by her atater, Mias Mattie Stoner, in few days' visit to Chicago. Mrs. T.

Parker: and Little Miss Dorothy, are guests at the country home: of Glenn Duffy Dear Ani drews. visitors were Edna Sharp, Mrs. J. 8. Finkendiner, Miss Anna Bruner and Mr.

and Mr. T. 8. Logan, number of LaFontaine ladies attended the lawn party given by the Treaty Aid 1 paraday a after! noon. Mrs.

Ovid Hummer pending days with friends la Marion -And Decatur Mrs. Crow entertained dinner Friday, H. 8.. Crow and daughter, Mire Roy. Lawls and children.

Visitors at the Grant County: hos pital Marion Friday found Mist Edith. Hubbard. WARREN. About twenty-five. members of the Ladies' Ald society of the Church of Christ were entertained at a big dinner the country home of.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bonbam Thursday The day speat in knotting comforte and carpet rag sewing.

Jess Foust and family returned to their home In Valparaiso after visiting Mra. Foust's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R.

Redding, for few days. Ross Allen of' Scottaburg has been visiting Warren friends for several daya. Ed Bilbeck was Id Wednesday on business. Dr. H.

J. Heistand of Pennville the first of the week with his brother, Heistand, and family, north of Warren. Mrs. S. G.

Bear and daughter Omogene have returned to their home in Huntington after visiting Lloyd Johnson and family. Ara. Minnie Gorbutt taking week's vacation and la visiting friends la Harrisville, Mich. Mra. Lewis Fleckensteln of the frat of the with Warren friends.

Isaac Zellerm of Columbia City spending the week in Warren with his! nephew, J. M. Long, and family. William Perdue spent Thursday in Huntington.Wabash op business. Rev.

G. B. Work spent Wednesday In Mr. and Mira. Ed Taylor, Miss Gayle Thorpe and Leon Shultz will goto Webster Lake Sunday to spend a week Aching.

and Mra. Ed. Taylor, Mra Smethurst and Miss Nova Brawley motored to Huntington Friday evening. Miss Brawley remained to visit two, weeks with Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Gordon. The Merry Jane giris motored to the homie of Miss Ruth Eckman at Plumtree Friday afternoon, where they were entertained at a sewing party. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess to the guests, who. were Misses Helen Bonifeld, Gayle Thorpe, Hildred Gcod, Blanche and Mildred Border, Irene Miller and Mrs. Ed Taylor.

Mrs. Charles Patterson and children went to Fulton, to visit relatives for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Flen Frox and daughter Mary Anna are visiting relatives for few days.

Mrs. Clinton Fetters and daughter Berteline returned to their bome in Blunton Friday after vialting Warren friends for a week. MaseR Mary Compton, Evelyn Stech and Rauch and Harry Youse spent Thursday evening in rion at the Irish Legation. Mr. and Mrs.

William Custance spept with Custance and family. Mrs. Ftan Christman returned to her home in Marion this week after spending two weeks in Warren. Our- Business is Loaning A MONEY Privately, on Household Goods, Live Stock, Planos, Diamonds, Jewelry. $4.60 total cont $30 (For three months) Loans inade from 1.

to.12 months' time, Easy payments. Call, write or telephone. Marion Loan Co; ESTABLISHED 1802. Corner Fourth and Adams Sts. T'hone: 030 YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST Now Try The Best If yon want a pair of: glass: es that lit, -from $1.00 and up.


I No m. No 3-. 2:59 a No a No No p.m No 55-- 0:35 a No 67 pm CLOVER LEAF ROUTE. EAST. 5.

WEST. No. m. 5 a No. a m.

No. A All trains daily between Toledo, Outo, and St. Louls, Mo. BIG FOUR TRAINS LEAVING MARION. br Change is per now schedule Elective Nor.

16, 1918. DUE AT MARION. Southtound. Nortbbound. No 39 8:44 a No a No No pm No 3-- 6:27 pm No Nos.

39 and 00 daily. NoR. 33. 3, 34 and 46 daily except Sunday, I B. ROSS.

Agent. CHESAPEAKE 0. OP WEST. No pm No 1- 2:52 Na 44:06 No No a No a.m Sunday, -No. 3, 12:26.


Rates--We quote very low rates Afty or more traveling 'together. Apply to nearest ticket agent Effecuve August 10, 1912. -Cars leave for Swayzee, Greentown, Kokomo, Kusslaville, Forest, Michigantown, Avery and Frankfort, 6:20, 6:40, 8:00, 9:20, 10:40, 12:00 a. 1:20, 2:40, 4:00, 5:20, 6:40, 8:00, 9:20 and 11:05 p. m.

Freight arrives Marion 11:30 a. leaves 1:30 n. m. Connection at Frankfort for Lebanon and Crawfordsville. Also freight handled to these points.

For further information call phone 951. MARION, BLUFFTON EASTERN TRACTION COMPANY. Effective Sunday, April 5, 1914. Cars leave Marion for Hanfeld, Landessville, Van Buren, Warren, L. berty Center, Blufton, Vera Cruz, Linn Grove, Geneva, Fort Wayne, Montpelier and Hartford City as followe: M.

6:05, 6:35, 8:05, 9:35, 11:05, except Supday. P. 2:05, 3:35, 5:05, 6:35: 8:05, 9:35, 11:05. Direct connection at Bluffton for Geneva. Leave Marion at 6:36, 9:35 a.

3:35, 6:35 p. m. Good connection at Bluffton' for Fort Wayne. Leave Marion 6:05, 6:35, 11:05 m. 8:35, 6:35, 9:35 p.

m. or write main office, Bluffton, Freight Service--Freight handied in carload lots or Carload lots leave Marion 11 a. m. Special attention given to all shipments. GEORGE A.

REDD, Supt. Trans. M. B. E.

TRACTION CO. UNION TRACTION CU. OF IND. (Now in Effect.) Southbound Local 7:80. 19:30, 11:30 a.

1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 11:30 m. Nurthbound 7:40, 9:40, 11:40 A. 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40, 8:45, 10:45 p. m. Marion a.

1:60 p. Southbound 8:26, 10:25 a. 12:25, 2:25, 4:25 6:25 p. Flyer in p. 7:40 m.

FOR SALE. Sixteen brautifut Mission very cheap. BUTLER MUSIC 00. CHRONICLE WANT ADS 10 WORD L. P.

Cupberly, 120 south? side square, agent Hupmobile, the car of the American family, Every car fully guaranteed. Ask any Hupp owner. Fully equipped. Electric lighting and. starting system.

Bee this car before you buy. (Adr) FOR SALE Fine Grant County Farm well improved, a bargain W. H. Rooms 1 Grant Trust Bldg. BREED BALL INSURANCE, EVERYTHING EXCEPT AN A LIFE CITY REAL ESTATE SURETY BONDS I V.

COOK SON' Clean and repair Typewriters, manufactaro Rubber Stamps. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. 100 South Washington Street FOR SALE Plenty of good Are brick asd good clean red brick. Inquire Butler Music Co, or old Canton glass works FrankHoward 3 AUCTIONEER. Public sales a specialty.

Once over Swayzee's grocery, Marion, Ind. 'Phone: No. 1451, Terms ressonablo. LOANS Per Month The Legal Rate On. Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock, etc.

It not convenient to call at our office, phone or write and our agent will call you. Loans parts of city and surrounding' territory. PRIVATE. RELIABLE. STATE LOAN CO, PHONE 205 GLASS BLOCK.

MARION, IND. War Discount 1 USE THIS, COUTON, One of These Coupons only 98c, will get you copy of Losing' History of the Civil War, bound in cloth, and Illustrated with over 1,500 of THE BRADY WAR PHOTOGRAPHS. SPECIAL VACATION TOURS VIA "CLOVER LEAF ROUTE" TO TOLEDO, DETROIT, CLEVELAND, CEDAR POINT, PULIN. A BAY AND NIAGARA FALLS. Tickets: on sale every Saturday during the Summer greatly reduced fares.

RETURN LIMIT 12 DAYS. See Q. W. Agent tor information.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.