Causas de inicio no programado del tratamiento renal sustitutivo con hemodiálisis (2024)

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Progression of residual renal function with an increase in dialysis: haemodialysis versus peritoneal dialysis

2013 •

Maite Rivera Gorrin

Objective: The main objective of the study was to analyse the progression of residual renal function according to the dialysis technique (peritoneal dialysis or haemodialysis) and the frequency of treatment (two or three sessions of haemodialysis per week). As secondary objectives, we studied the progression of the serum concentration levels of β2 microglobulin and the response of anaemia to erythropoietic agents. Material and method: 193 non-anuric patients were included and began renal replacement therapy with dialysis in our hospital between 1 January 2006 and 31 December 2011, with a follow-up period of over three months. 61 patients (32%) began treatment with two haemodialysis sessions per week, 49 patients (25%) with three haemodialysis sessions per week and 83 patients (43%) with peritoneal dialysis. The glomerular filtration rate was measured as the mean of the renal clearances of urea and creatinine. Results: The rate of decrease in glomerular filtration was the same in patients who began treatment with two haemodialysis sessions per week and with peritoneal dialysis (median 0.18 ml/min/month) and it was higher in patients who began treatment with three sessions of haemodialysis per week (median 0.33 ml/min/month, P<.05). Throughout progression, the glomerular filtration rate did not display differences between the group that began with two weekly sessions of haemodialysis and the group on peritoneal dialysis, and it was lower in the group that began treatment with three sessions of haemodialysis per week with statistical significance during the first 24 months of follow up. In the three patient groups, β2-microglobulin concentration increased as the glomerular filtration rate decreased and it was higher in the group on three weekly haemodialysis sessions for the first 12 months of follow up. In all the controls carried out, there was a negative correlation between the beta-2 microglobulin concentration and the glomerular filtration rate (P<.001). The erythropoietin dose was negatively related to glomerular filtration. Patients who began with two sessions of haemodialysis per week required a lower dose of erythropoietin than patients that began renal replacement therapy with three weekly sessions. The erythropoietin dose in the peritoneal dialysis group was below that of the group of two weekly haemodialysis sessions despite maintaining a similar glomerular filtration rate. Conclusions: Patients who begin treatment with two sessions of haemodialysis per week experience the same rate of decrease in residual renal function as patients treated with peritoneal dialysis. The progression of the concentration of β2-microglobulin is parallel to that of the glomerular filtration rate. Patients treated with two haemodialysis sessions require a lower dose of erythropoietin than those who receive three sessions per week, but a significantly higher dose than those treated with peritoneal dialysis, which suggests that the response of anaemia to erythropoietic agents is not only related to residual renal function, but also to other factors that are inherent to the dialysis technique.

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Enfermedad Renal Cronica

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Dialysis after kidney transplant failure: do patients start in a worse condition than the general population with chronic kidney disease?

2011 •

Maite Rivera Gorrin

Background: Patients with renal graft dysfunction constitute an increasingly prevalent group of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients that require dialysis therapy. These patients have special characteristics that set them apart from the ESKD general population. The aim of this study was to analyse the clinical condition and evolution of patients entering dialysis with a failed kidney graft at the time of restarting dialysis and over a year of therapy according to the K/DOQI guidelines, and to compare them with incidental patients with end-stage kidney disease. We also investigated whether the modality of kidney replacement therapy may determine the clinical improvement of transplant patients. Material and method: This is a retrospective observational study of 106 patients with ESKD followed up in the Ramon y Cajal Hospital. They were classified in two groups. Group one was made up of 50 failed native kidney patients who started dialysis between 2000 and 2009. Group two was comprised of 56 transplant patients with graft dysfunction who returned to dialysis between 1997 and 2009. We studied parameters of kidney function, anaemia, calcium-phosphorus metabolism, cardiovascular risk factors and nutritional status at the time both groups started on dialysis and one year later. Results: Both groups had a similar clinical status at the time they started on dialysis in most of the parameters analysed with the exception of anaemia. This was more severe in transplant patients, despite the fact that transplant patients received a higher dose of erythropoietin than non-transplant patients. One year later the main difference between both groups was the residual kidney function rate, higher in non-transplant patients. There were no significant differences in the parameters analysed in patients with a failed graft according to the modality of kidney replacement therapy. Conclusion: Failed transplant patients start dialysis with more severe anaemia than patients entering dialysis for the first time. Twelve months later both groups present a similar clinical condition with the exception of residual kidney function, higher in failed native kidney patients. The method of dialysis treatment after kidney transplant failure did not have a bearing on the clinical improvement of our patients.

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The Chronic Renal Disease is a public health world-wide problem and may progress the Terminal Chronic Renal Failure where the patients need dialysis and renal transplantation to survive. Aim: to identify the association of specific factors with the survival in the elderly diagnosed with chronic renal disease in haemodialysis. Methods: it was performed an observational analytical study of dynamic unstable cohort at Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Hospital in Bayamo, Granma during the period comprised between 2002 and 2010; the sample included 128 patients, the survival accumulated proportion was determined by the method of Cox proportional risk for the socio-demographic and analytical studies and the ones related to the haemodialysis. Results: At the beginning of the study the urea was about RR= 2, 47; IC 95% of 0, 13-7, 61 and p= 0,01and hypertension RR= 2, 05 IC 95% 0, 02-288, 62 and p= 0, 05 were the variables of greater statistical significance. The curve of global survival decreased...

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Nicanor Vega Diaz

Introduccion: La enfermedad renal cronica representa un problema de salud publica por su elevada incidencia, su prevalencia, su alta morbimortalidad, sobre todo en aquellos que precisan de tratamiento renal sustitutivo. Uno de los factores que determinan la morbimortalidad de los pacientes en hemodialisis (HD) es el acceso vascular del que disponen, y las complicaciones asociadas a los problemas de acceso vascular suponen una importante carga en nuestro trabajo diario, asi como un elevado coste. Objetivos: Conocer la situacion real de nuestra practica clinica, compararla con otros estudios y medir el grado de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de las Guias de Practica Clinica en HD en lo relativo al acceso vascular de pacientes incidentes y prevalentes. Estudiar la supervivencia de los pacientes incidentes en funcion de su acceso vascular, ajustada a otros factores comorbidos. Pacientes y metodos: Se estudiaron los pacientes incidentes en HD desde enero de 2004 a octubre de 2009 (n...

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Causas de inicio no programado del tratamiento renal sustitutivo con hemodiálisis (2024)


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.