5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (2024)



12 posts Member

May 10, 2024 1:55PM edited May 10

5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (2)

Well the current Challenge is a big FU to the player base - lol. At least we can get 2 Omicrons.


  • Azrul

    68 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 2:07PM


    Well played CG

    order 66 41st division lead. European reset


  • LordDirt

    5054 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 2:16PM


    5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (5)

    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?


  • herd_nerfer

    1970 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 2:21PM


    Geoghs wrote: »

    Well the current Challenge is a big FU to the player base - lol. At least we can get 2 Omicrons.

    The actual numbers:

    5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (7)

    You have to turn off the 'Top 100 Guilds' filter.

    You can still get the T8 crate without the Gungans, so still get the 2 omis.

    All that being said, I'm not wild about this - but at least omi income isn't directly affected which is surely what most of us are worried about, right?

    I think it's less of an FU to the player base and more like throwing a bone to the folks that went out of their way (and let's be real - out of their pocket in most cases) to get JarJar right away. I'd be a lot more annoyed if this locked us out of the omis.

    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.


  • CrispyFett

    987 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 2:24PM


    Not really a surprise.. Would have been nice if it scaled (so for tier vi only need 4 gungans, but for tier X need 5), but as others said, I'll get my 2 omis and move on


  • FelNaver75

    6 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 2:24PM edited May 10


    Nah, banning us from Red Crate if we do not have the newest shiny costly thing has happened before. Now a vast majority of players is banned from the top two crates, which is a new low from CG...
    This on top of giving an exclusive Datacron to Padawan Obi Whales...


  • Mahl_Jhong_501st

    37 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 2:25PM


    Not surprising at all considering they have a GC Omi.

    Co-GL, Empire's 501st

  • StewartH

    156 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 2:31PM


    Mahl_Jhong_501st wrote: »

    Not surprising at all considering they have a GC Omi.

    Doesn't this defeat the purpose of the Gungan Omi? If I could *theoretically* apply the Gungan omi and get red box using my 4 Gungans (because I dont have JarJar) it may be worth it. This effectively gates all but the highest spenders from even considering this Omi...which again defeats the purpose.


  • Options

    LordDirt wrote: »

    5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (13)

    Yes first time, I don't remember a similar character wall (es. last one, Mandalorian, was only 4). Not fun at all, but more time for other games.

  • WhatTheFoxSWGOH

    31 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 2:43PM


    It's a new low even for CG. In the past they would require 4 characters but this shuts out the majority of their player base. It's not a good look and feels wrong in multiple ways, does not set a good precedent.


  • ccabezas93

    33 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 3:48PM


    LastNeuron wrote: »

    LordDirt wrote: »

    5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (16)

    Yes first time, I don't remember a similar character wall (es. last one, Mandalorian, was only 4). Not fun at all, but more time for other games.

    When BAM appeared in the game, it was requested to be in a team as a feat on several occasions, I think the characters to get it were not yet farmeable. It hurted more when additionally they asked for full jawas or full ewoks.

  • PtmLords

    62 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 3:51PM


    I just started spending money on the game again but this really discourages me now.

  • rickertron

    340 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 3:52PM


    Meh. I see it no different than any other GC that I don't have the required characters to get red crate. I just go get my T7 or T8 crate. For me at least, not being able to red crate a GC once in a while has virtually no impact on my game.


  • LordDirt

    5054 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 4:06PM


    PtmLords wrote: »

    I just started spending money on the game again but this really discourages me now.

    Why? I never understand how people expect to be able to do everything in this game the second it drops.

    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?


  • Geoghs

    12 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 4:17PM


    LordDirt wrote: »

    PtmLords wrote: »

    I just started spending money on the game again but this really discourages me now.

    Why? I never understand how people expect to be able to do everything in this game the second it drops.

    The other events are generally doable with farmable teams. You may choose not to farm those teams instead of others but you can usually get the penultimate box. The final box usually needs R3 (ish).

    This event is gated behind R5 toons that aren't farmable and, if past experience is any guide, this will run alternate weeks for the next couple of months.

    Thus means a big drop in gear income, so it's people getting upset about "lost" gear, unless you are willing to whale big time.

    I spend on the game and am happy to do so for the enjoyment I get, but my spending, which would be considered large by some, is a rounding error for the true whales.

    Out of the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of players, only 3k will not be taking a big hit in gear income for the next few months. That's what has got people upset.


  • Ferril9909

    57 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 4:18PM


    LordDirt wrote: »

    Why? I never understand how people expect to be able to do everything in this game the second it drops.

    Dude... cuz 5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (22)

  • RedrumCompost

    93 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 4:35PM


    Ferril9909 wrote: »

    LordDirt wrote: »

    Why? I never understand how people expect to be able to do everything in this game the second it drops.

    Dude... cuz 5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (24)

    off topic but I love your St. Bernadus avatar

  • Geoghs

    12 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 4:41PM


    herd_nerfer wrote: »

    Geoghs wrote: »

    Well the current Challenge is a big FU to the player base - lol. At least we can get 2 Omicrons.

    The actual numbers:

    5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (26)

    You have to turn off the 'Top 100 Guilds' filter.

    You can still get the T8 crate without the Gungans, so still get the 2 omis.

    All that being said, I'm not wild about this - but at least omi income isn't directly affected which is surely what most of us are worried about, right?

    I think it's less of an FU to the player base and more like throwing a bone to the folks that went out of their way (and let's be real - out of their pocket in most cases) to get JarJar right away. I'd be a lot more annoyed if this locked us out of the omis.

    My bad with the numbers - thank you for the correction


  • StarSon

    7472 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 4:50PM


    LastNeuron wrote: »

    LordDirt wrote: »

    5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (28)

    Yes first time, I don't remember a similar character wall (es. last one, Mandalorian, was only 4). Not fun at all, but more time for other games.

    They did this for Inquisitors too.

    StewartH wrote: »

    Mahl_Jhong_501st wrote: »

    Not surprising at all considering they have a GC Omi.

    Doesn't this defeat the purpose of the Gungan Omi? If I could *theoretically* apply the Gungan omi and get red box using my 4 Gungans (because I dont have JarJar) it may be worth it. This effectively gates all but the highest spenders from even considering this Omi...which again defeats the purpose.

    You cannot use the omicron to get this one without JarJar because you need 5 Gungans. So, LOL if anyone without JarJar applied the omicron.


  • Notthatguyfrombefore

    1099 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 5:22PM


    StarSon wrote: »

    LastNeuron wrote: »

    LordDirt wrote: »

    5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (30)

    Yes first time, I don't remember a similar character wall (es. last one, Mandalorian, was only 4). Not fun at all, but more time for other games.

    They did this for Inquisitors too.

    This is a bit different; with the inqs you could have 5 units unlocked and playable without doing anything more than the marquees. It was possible to attempt the feats, even if it was unnecessarily hard without GI and would probably end in failure. This is the first time I can think of that they’ve made it this hard to even qualify for a feat. I can’t remember the times people are alluding to concerning BAM. That being said, this is entirely on brand for CG, and shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921. Swgoh.gg

  • Raxle66

    1 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 5:48PM


    Everyone needs to submit a feedback ticket. CG isn't great, and my expectations are low, but this is next level.

  • JoryG87

    259 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 6:07PM


    CG has to do something to reward the big spenders/ crystal savers who got JarJar early. Without some benefit, people won't spent and the game would die.

    Even if you don't get the Gungan feat, you are still able to get a box with two omicrons, so I don't see a problem here.


  • rickertron

    340 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 6:10PM


    Geoghs wrote: »

    LordDirt wrote: »

    PtmLords wrote: »

    I just started spending money on the game again but this really discourages me now.

    Why? I never understand how people expect to be able to do everything in this game the second it drops.

    The other events are generally doable with farmable teams. You may choose not to farm those teams instead of others but you can usually get the penultimate box. The final box usually needs R3 (ish).

    This event is gated behind R5 toons that aren't farmable and, if past experience is any guide, this will run alternate weeks for the next couple of months.

    Thus means a big drop in gear income, so it's people getting upset about "lost" gear, unless you are willing to whale big time.

    I spend on the game and am happy to do so for the enjoyment I get, but my spending, which would be considered large by some, is a rounding error for the true whales.

    Out of the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of players, only 3k will not be taking a big hit in gear income for the next few months. That's what has got people upset.

    Why even have challenges or any event if the expectation is that one is entitled to max gear all the time, just give us the stuff already? Furthermore, its hardly a hit to anyone's gear income. Missing a few GC red crates in negligible in the long run and barely noticeable in the short run.


  • Yrendar

    14 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 6:12PM


    Pls EA/Lucas/Disney/anyone, fire CG!


  • CaesarAM

    251 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 6:41PM


    It’s a bad look to pretty much back to back tell us they are going to start paywalling GCs (probably once a week I assume based on previous cadence for featuring new factions in GCs) right after telling us that the main DC for the new conquest character team will also be paywalled.

  • Ragnarok_COTF

    1795 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 6:58PM


    I love dumping on CG as much as the next guy, but I really don't see this as a big deal. Box 8, which has the omis, is super easy to get without Jar Jar. Giving the whales box 10 over box 8 for every GC between now and Jar Jar's return would still be pretty low on the scale of returns from their investment, imo.



  • telboy007

    76 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 7:49PM


    This is on all of us for not whaling on Jar Jar Binks.


  • Ragnarøk253

    4 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 7:52PM


    This was frustrating as hell.

    You know games are supposed to be fun, right CG? Bc it VERY obviously seems as though you do not know that.

  • Deathbringer59

    597 posts Member

    May 10, 2024 8:28PM


    This isn't there first nor will it be the last. BAM, Tuskens, just take crate 8 and your 2 omnis and call it a day. I'm not paying for the Gungans so I'm not taking max crate and I'll accept that. I'll talk by speaking with my wallet like I usually do when I don't want something or like it


  • Hotblack

    16 posts Member

    May 11, 2024 1:43AM


    A couple of years ago CG, you went through a phase where you did whatever you thought might make money not what the player base wants. One of those things was making it pretty much impossible to enjoy the game unless you pursued CG's specific path and spent a lot of money doing it. You seemed to learn from the feedback and we have had quite a bit of good stuff in the last 12-18 months, maybe longer. It has become a collectible game again with lots of characters and we can all pursue different routes according to taste, spend a bit if we like but not feel there has to be one bloody expensive path whether we like it or not. There have been good ways to allow players with less GP and budgets less than the month's mortgage to catch up and have enough firepower to enjoy the game too.

    I am just a bit concerned with the Gungan challenge (like you CANNOT get decent rewards if you dont have 5 ie Jar Jar). And also some of the noise around the next raid and also the new Kenobi and omicron for conquest. Maybe I am just still cynical after last time and maybe these will turn out to be fun CHOICES we can make - or not - and still enjoy the game, gain good rewards etc. If that is so, you can smile at this post and move on.

    If not, then please take this as your early shot across the bows! What one person says in public, most of the guild are saying in private.

    PS The new website layout sucks, maybe I am just cranky that you changed things just as I was getting used to it. The new PC based client is overall really great. Including the fact that I dont have to go to the webstore anymore to get the better deals given my prior comment!


  • Stokat

    831 posts Member

    May 11, 2024 12:46PM


    Hotblack wrote: »

    A couple of years ago CG, you went through a phase where you did whatever you thought might make money not what the player base wants. One of those things was making it pretty much impossible to enjoy the game unless you pursued CG's specific path and spent a lot of money doing it. You seemed to learn from the feedback and we have had quite a bit of good stuff in the last 12-18 months, maybe longer. It has become a collectible game again with lots of characters and we can all pursue different routes according to taste, spend a bit if we like but not feel there has to be one bloody expensive path whether we like it or not. There have been good ways to allow players with less GP and budgets less than the month's mortgage to catch up and have enough firepower to enjoy the game too.

    I am just a bit concerned with the Gungan challenge (like you CANNOT get decent rewards if you dont have 5 ie Jar Jar). And also some of the noise around the next raid and also the new Kenobi and omicron for conquest. Maybe I am just still cynical after last time and maybe these will turn out to be fun CHOICES we can make - or not - and still enjoy the game, gain good rewards etc. If that is so, you can smile at this post and move on.

    If not, then please take this as your early shot across the bows! What one person says in public, most of the guild are saying in private.

    PS The new website layout sucks, maybe I am just cranky that you changed things just as I was getting used to it. The new PC based client is overall really great. Including the fact that I dont have to go to the webstore anymore to get the better deals given my prior comment!



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5 Gungans for the Galactic Challenge - Really? (2024)


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